This really isn’t a reason to brag, but I feel like an expert on headaches.  But that’s because I’ve been dealing with them since I was at least 9 years old.  It was because I needed glasses to begin with.  But after that, it was stress and TMJ and who knows what else.  Genetic predisposition toward headaches, I assume, since my grandma got crazy migraines all her life and so do many in my family.  

Given this expertise, I’d like to share with you what I do when I have a headache.

First, I assess the headache.  I have to take into account where I am when I get the headache.  Work? Home? Car? Hiking? Kayaking?  

If I’m at work, is the headache small enough that I can get away with not taking anything for it or have I been tempted to scream at people: “Stop talking so loud!” “Turn the lights down!” “Leave me alone or I’ll hurt you!”  Not that I’d actually hurt anyone, much less yell at anyone, especially when I have a headache.  But if these thoughts have popped into my mind and I can’t just take off the rest of the day and go home to sleep the headache off in a dark room, then it’s in my best interests and the people around me if I take something.  

Second, I assess probable causes of the headache.  Is there light shining in my eyes?  Are there loud noises happening around me?  Am I clenching my jaw?  Is my neck tense?  Did I just get chewed out by my boss?  Did I wake up too early after not getting enough sleep?  Did I wake up too early?  Am I smelling something not normal?  Tension, loud noises, light in eyes, stress, lack of sleep, noxious smells–all of these can give me a headache.  Fortunately for me, I don’t have migraine-inducing food allergies.  

If there’s bright light, can I block it or turn it down or off?  At work, I had to move my computer monitor because it was right in front of the window and the light was shining into my eyes at an odd angle and causing a headache.  I closed the blinds and turned the monitor’s brightness down.

If there are loud noises, can I get away from them?  If not, is there ear protection?  Maybe I can put my headphones in.  If I can’t get away from the source of the headache, then I have to take something for the pain.

If I’m tense and/or feeling stressed, is there anything I can do at the moment to reduce the stress?  Time to take a break and stretch or walk or something.  If I can’t get away, maybe I just change what I’m listening to.  Maybe some silly music or a funny story or just trying to imagine something so ridiculous it makes me laugh for an hour.  

If it’s because I’ve not gotten enough sleep, then it’s time for a nap or going to bed early that night.  And, yes, my body is weird in that I am prone to headaches when I wake up too early.  I’m also prone to a very sensitive stomach if I wake up early.  I have been all my life.  

Like bright lights and loud noises, it’s not always easy to get away from noxious smells.  It’s harder sometimes.  It’s not like I can just shove ear plugs up my nose to block the smell.  In the case of smells, it’s best to just get fresh air.  

After assessing probable causes, then I take my third step.  I only do what’s absolutely necessary to get through whatever I’m doing and go home and rest.  If I can take off early from work, I do.  If I need to cancel an appointment, and the headache’s bad enough, I do.  

Until I can manage that, I drink caffeine, which helps.  If I have access to an ice pack, I put one on my neck.  It helps.  I stretch my neck and my shoulders.  I lay outside in the sunshine with something across my eyes to block the light.  I sleep in my dark bedroom with something over my eyes.  

The biggest and best thing you can do when you have a headache is to take care of yourself.  If your headache gets bad enough, you’re going to end up so dizzy and nauseated that you’re going to vomit.  And there’s nothing worse than vomiting when your head is pounding.  Well, I imagine there are few things worse, but it’s so not fun.  

A note, I think in the last two weeks I’ve had 6 headaches, one of which was a migraine.  Not enjoyable.  But such is my life.

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