Maybe you’ve been snowed in since October.

Maybe you’ve just survived Snowpocalypse East Coast 2019.

Maybe you’re now in Snowpocalypse West Coast 2019.

And maybe you don’t have any snow at all.  What is snow?

What are some things you think about doing in the snow?

You could build a snowman.

IMG_20190207_134448699I saw these on the roof of a business the other day.

IMG_20190209_105207750_HDRMake sure you have something for the eyes, nose, mouth, hands, etc.  Scarf & hat are excellent as well.  And it does not have to be a man.  It could be a snow woman, a snow cat, a snow dog, a throne, a dinosaur.  The sky, and the type of snow, is the limit!

Or you could make a snow angel.  That requires great skill when you get up, because somehow you have to get your feet under you and get out without ruining the angel.  Or falling onto your backside or your face.

If you have access to a hill and a sled, sledding is definitely an option.  Just make sure the hill doesn’t have a road at the bottom of it or a row of trees or a bunch of blackberry bushes.  Oooooh, or creek or lake or any body of water.  And be careful about any substances you apply to the bottom of your sledding device, a la Clark Griswald.

For the adventurous ones out there, there’s skiing, snowboarding, snowshoeing.  I don’t do heights, so ski lifts are out.  But I’ve been snowshoeing a couple of times.  The first time was very pleasant.  The second time, not so much.  But it was incredibly cold and the dude in charge decided that we were going to go up a 45 degree slope hill.

And if you don’t feel like going outside, that’s just perfect!

Find yourself a cozy spot, a hot beverage, a good book or movie, perhaps a dog curled up at your feet or at cat curled up on your lap.  Bonus points for a fireplace or wood stove.

What are your favorite books to read when it’s snowy outside?  Maybe The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.  The Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy end up in Narnia where it’s always winter and never Christmas.  Or maybe you’d much rather read something set at the beach, like Mr. Monk Goes to Hawaii.

What about your favorite movies?  Time to re-watch something with snow?  White Christmas.  The Day After Tomorrow.  Frozen.  Or something set at the beach: Weekend at Bernies or Mr. Bean’s Holiday.

However you do it, enjoy the snow–from without or from within.

Stay warm.  Stay safe.  Have fun.  Channel your inner child.

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