If you like books as much as I do, you will be able to relate to how excited I was when I learned that Emily P. Freeman was releasing a new book.
I pre-ordered it as soon as it was available for pre-ordering.
And then I had to wait.
Waiting can be so hard when it’s something you’re really excited about, right?

It all started with a podcast
Emily has a podcast of the same name. You can fall in love with it here.
When she tells the story of how the podcast and then the book came about, she says that she initially tried to write the book, but the subject matter just begged to be spoken. So she dove into podcasting.
And she has the best podcasting voice!
So WHat’s it all about?
I don’t know about you, but I have the hardest time making decisions.
What to eat for dinner. What to wear to work. When to go grocery shopping. Which vegan ice cream to buy.
And then there’s all the big stuff, like cars and schools and houses and jobs.
“What do you want to be when you grow up?”
“I don’t know. I don’t even know what I want for dinner.”

Simply do the next right thing
In this book, Emily leads you chapter by chapter through decision-making practices. From not collecting gurus and wearing better pants to finding a “no” mentor (someone who helps you say no) and being present in the present.
Each chapter ends with a prayer and a practice.
It’s a beautiful book. (And her podcast is a beautiful podcast.)
And thinking about decisions in smaller bits, like just finding out what the next right thing is and doing it, is just such a help to me and all my issues with decision-making.
I got to be a part of Emily’s launch team for this book. This was the first time I’ve ever been part of a launch team. So I got to read the book about a month before it came out. And it’s just so good. I’ve already given one copy away and it only came out last week.
This book will give you a lot to think about, and Emily’s stories about her struggles with decision-making are so very relatable.
So go wherever you like to buy books and buy a book. If you do audiobooks, buy the audiobook. You won’t regret it.

Click here to visit a previous post where I talk about some of Emily’s other books.
All images were provided to the book launch team. I can take no credit for these awesome graphics.