Countdown to Surgery

Nine days. I'm going to have surgery in 9 days. I mean, this cancer thing is still sinking in, but that is going to make it even more real, you know. I've got my pre-op and my post-op instructions. I'm trying to figure out what in the world I'm going to need help with afterwards.…

State of the Heart 2020

Once upon a time this past November I asked God if he would make my heart harder. And then I took it back. You see, I was thinking about how much it hurt when I lost my Little Boy and Mittens. I didn't want to feel that hurt again. I immediately realized that my heart…

Playing the Blame Game

They say that you can’t blame your parents for your choices.  You’re a grown up. You need to take responsibility for your decisions, your actions, your words.  It’s fruitless to blame your parents. After all, you are making those choices. Your parents aren’t standing there telling you what to do Hopefully. However, if you look…

Whatcha Gonna Do?

Does it ever seem like it's too much to handle? Maybe not life. Maybe your emotions and mental health are in a good place. But then you watch the news. Or glance at your Facebook or Twitter feed. And then you see it. Whatever the headlines are that day. There's a new conflict in another…

The Next Right Thing

If you like books as much as I do, you will be able to relate to how excited I was when I learned that Emily P. Freeman was releasing a new book. I pre-ordered it as soon as it was available for pre-ordering. And then I had to wait. Waiting can be so hard when…

My first guest post!!

I've invited a few people to be guest contributors on my blog.  Only one of them, so far, decided to take me up on that.  That would be my dad.  So, you'll notice the difference in style and voice, etc. This is an excerpt from a sermon that he preached a few months ago.  I…

The bright side of darkness

The darkness can be a good thing, you know? It is only in knowing the darkness, experiencing the darkness, that we are more able to appreciate the light. When we experience grief and sorrow, joy becomes all the sweeter. It's a hard thing, though, to not fight the darkness in some of its forms: grief,…

New Year, Same Me

Welcome to 2019! How have your first 4 days been of this new year? How are you doing on your resolutions? Too overwhelming? Maybe you're still in a sugar coma from the holidays. Or maybe you're still in denial that it's a new year. Or maybe you are just dreading something.  Like all the gloomy,…

A Light in the Dark

How are you doing?  Friday was Winter Solstice, the shortest and darkest day of the year and the first day of winter.  It's been raining a lot here the past week or so, so even though there's a full moon up there somewhere, the clouds are so thick and the rain so persistent that I…

O Come, O Come, O Come Already!

Christmas is next Tuesday! Are you ready? All the decorating is done, right? And the gifts are purchased and wrapped and under the tree or in the mail, right? Your Christmas cards are in the mail. The goodies are all baked and the menu is planned and dishes have been delegated. And you've considered alternative…