Hello, Pain, Old Friend

For as long as I can remember, I've been in pain of one kind or another. I broke my wrist at 6. I started getting headaches when I was 8 or 9. I injured my back while sledding when I was 11 or 12. I sprained my wrists and ankles a lot in 6th &…

A Letter to Me

This May, it will have been 20 years since I graduated high school. Seriously hard to believe. How is it that 1999 was 20 years ago? That means Y2K was just about that long ago, too. In contemplating all of this, I thought that I would do the cliche thing and write a letter to…

Adapt or Die

Have you ever watched a nature show and the narrator says some stuff that you just can't help but talk back to? No? Maybe that's just me. Sometime last year I was watching this show about some cheetahs in the African Savannah (I think). And the narrator was saying in his fine, British-accented voice, "If…

The Next Right Thing

If you like books as much as I do, you will be able to relate to how excited I was when I learned that Emily P. Freeman was releasing a new book. I pre-ordered it as soon as it was available for pre-ordering. And then I had to wait. Waiting can be so hard when…

Your Health is No Joke

I don't think I've ever liked going to the doctor. I think I was traumatized as a kid. Nevertheless, I've grown accustomed to going since I've had issues that I've needed a doctor's help with. My blood pressure still goes up a bit every time I have to go to the doctor's office. My heart…

Stranded in Paradise

Seeing as this is the time of year when my husband and I tended to go visit Hawaii, I decided to watch a Hallmark movie that I had recorded that was set in Puerto Rico. And there were palm trees and a beach and sunburned feet. It was a fun movie.  Even with the hurricane.…

Anxious, Anxious Anxiety

Your mind races. So Your heart races. Then Your chest is tight. And You have to remind yourself to breathe. And remind yourself to breathe. And remind yourself to breathe. Did that make you anxious just reading about it? It made my heart speed up a little bit. I think I've been dealing with anxiety…

A little bit of hope

It's been a rough winter over here.  Not weather-wise, but mood- and circumstance-wise.  Every now and then there are things that bring me hope and help me keep going. This picture is one of them. This is a shoot on an orchid that I adopted. It was lonely and very sad looking at the store.…

My first guest post!!

I've invited a few people to be guest contributors on my blog.  Only one of them, so far, decided to take me up on that.  That would be my dad.  So, you'll notice the difference in style and voice, etc. This is an excerpt from a sermon that he preached a few months ago.  I…

When Dreams Die

This feels like a fitting subject for the week of Valentine's Day.  We all have dreams that haven't been realized.  Maybe you don't think that's you.  You have your spouse, your 2.3 kids, the family dog, the house with the white picket fence, the amazing career or non-career. And that's awesome. But I'm sure you've…