Stranded in Paradise

Seeing as this is the time of year when my husband and I tended to go visit Hawaii, I decided to watch a Hallmark movie that I had recorded that was set in Puerto Rico. And there were palm trees and a beach and sunburned feet. It was a fun movie.  Even with the hurricane.…

Anxious, Anxious Anxiety

Your mind races. So Your heart races. Then Your chest is tight. And You have to remind yourself to breathe. And remind yourself to breathe. And remind yourself to breathe. Did that make you anxious just reading about it? It made my heart speed up a little bit. I think I've been dealing with anxiety…

Things to do in the Snow

Maybe you've been snowed in since October. Maybe you've just survived Snowpocalypse East Coast 2019. Maybe you're now in Snowpocalypse West Coast 2019. And maybe you don't have any snow at all.  What is snow? What are some things you think about doing in the snow? You could build a snowman. I saw these on…

Giving Thanks

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving here in the US and we're gearing up for a feast.  We've got checklists for the cleaning and the cooking.  I've got table decoration ideas saved on Pinterest.  There will be friends and family here.  It's going to be quite the day. And then it's time for Christmas music!! But I don't…

Stop and Smell the Roses, Dahlias, too

The day after Labor Day, my hubby and I took some friends to the Point Defiance Park.  We decided to go visit the rose garden.  And they have dahlias there.  And fuchsias. And we spent a couple of hours walking around among all of these amazing blooms. I got to smell a bunch of roses. …

Tea’s My Favorite

I love tea. It all started with the peppermint tea my mom gave me as a baby to calm my tummy. I stuck mainly to herbal tea until I was through college. I made it through college without coffee! That's because caffeine was a thing that we just didn't do.  It was one of those…

Everybody Needs a Little Lake Time

I just got back from four days at a lake house. Without WiFi! Oh the horror!!!  Actually, it was quite nice. There was enough signal for occasional checks of social media, but I didn't want to use a ton of data, so I had to choose wisely and fill my time with things other than…