I Hear Voices

Now before you start the admissions process to that cushy place for people who say they hear voices, I'm talking about the different types of thoughts that go through my head.  You know, you have them, too. There's the voice that makes the snarky comments to your boss that you don't say aloud because that…

Top 11 Reasons I Don’t Like to Drive

I do a lot of driving.  I drive my grandpa to all of his appointments.  I drive friends places.  I don't mind taking a random, last-minute trip to cities one or two hours away.  But I don't really like it.  In fact, I would love to have a chauffeur.  I'd call him Jeeves and he'd…

Give the Girl a Name, part 2

(Trigger warning.  I'm going to be talking about a story from the Bible that involves rape and abuse.) Later, there's pounding on the front door and shouting.  A gang of men from the town were there and they wanted to have some "fun" with the man.  The old man tried to talk them out of…

Give the Girl a Name, part 1

(Trigger warning.  I'm going to be talking about a story from the Bible that involves rape and abuse.) There are some stories in the Bible that just make me mad--mostly when people make bad decisions.  Of course, I have the perspective of time and distance and knowing the story.  What really makes me mad is…

Caregiving hurts

You know what's just incredibly painful? Watching dementia's progression in a previously strong, incredibly independent person. You go with them to a doctor's visit. They answer the doctor. Say everything's fine. But then you shake your head and say, "Remember this happened last week. And something else happened a couple of weeks ago." It's not…

About Me and Books

I'm far from the most talkative person on the planet so it isn't really a surprise that I have to explain a lot about myself. I know that people read for so many reasons. I think that perhaps I should share mine. One of the stories I always hear about myself as a baby (and…

Introvert Self-Care

I am an introvert. And I'm proud to be an introvert. That means I listen more than I talk, unless I'm pretending to be an extrovert or I know you really well.  (And let's just not talk about pretending to be an extrovert.) That also means that being around people drains me and I have…

Recommended Authors: Brene Brown

These books have made me think and have somehow spoken to my innermost person.  They are emotionally difficult and challenging to read.  But so incredibly worth it.  This woman has a Ph.D. and has done her research, but she doesn't fall into the trap that many academics/researchers fall into.  She writes in normal language.  None…

Recommended Author: Emily P. Freeman

I found Emily P. Freeman on her blog "Chatting at the Sky" in 2011 or 2012.  Her writing captivated me and resonated with me.  Some of her posts just seemed like an echo of my heart.  Since then, I've read her books and listened to her podcasts.  And I'm still listening to her podcasts.  I…

What NOT to do when you have a headache

Since I wrote a post on what to do when you have a headache, I thought it might be fun to talk about what not to do when you have a headache.  So here goes... Stare into the sun. Watch the strobe lights. Go to a loud concert. Stare at your computer screen for hours.…