Of the Family of David

It's finally December! Christmas music is everywhere! Do you love it or are you counting down the days until the regular programming is back? Do you have your tree up yet?  How do you like to decorate it?  Do you do a theme that's the same every year or different every year? My mom and…

Christmas is coming!!!!

This is one of my favorite times of year. Not because I get all kinds of presents. That's fun. I get to give presents. I get to make presents. And people seem to be in a good mood for the season. The music is fun. The decorations are awesome. Hallmark movies are cheesy and happy…

Psalm 136

New Living Translation 1 Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good! His faithful love endures forever. 2 Give thanks to the God of gods. His faithful love endures forever. 3 Give thanks to the Lord of lords. His faithful love endures forever. 4 Give thanks to him who alone does mighty miracles. His faithful love endures forever. 5 Give…

Giving Thanks

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving here in the US and we're gearing up for a feast.  We've got checklists for the cleaning and the cooking.  I've got table decoration ideas saved on Pinterest.  There will be friends and family here.  It's going to be quite the day. And then it's time for Christmas music!! But I don't…

What box?

You know, when you look into starting a blog there are all kinds of websites out there that have advice for how to run your blog. You have to post so many times a week/month. You have to post only about things in your niche.  What is your niche?  You have to decide what your…

Power Plays

Power Plays One of the truest tests of someone's character is how they handle any power that is given to them. Some people use it to get what they want. They bully.  They coerce.  They blame. They take advantage of anything and everything their position of power presents. They are focused on making a difference…

Stop and Smell the Roses, Dahlias, too

The day after Labor Day, my hubby and I took some friends to the Point Defiance Park.  We decided to go visit the rose garden.  And they have dahlias there.  And fuchsias. And we spent a couple of hours walking around among all of these amazing blooms. I got to smell a bunch of roses. …

I hate my body

I've never had a good relationship with my body. I haven't had an eating disorder. I wasn't a child beauty pageant contestant. I didn't participate in any sort of extracurricular activity that you would think could lead to issues with my body. Rather, I was raised in a very conservative Christian home. We talked about…

Tea’s My Favorite

I love tea. It all started with the peppermint tea my mom gave me as a baby to calm my tummy. I stuck mainly to herbal tea until I was through college. I made it through college without coffee! That's because caffeine was a thing that we just didn't do.  It was one of those…

I Dream of Fire

When I was 10, we moved into an apartment that had a gas furnace in the floor between the bedroom I shared with my sister and my brother's bedroom.  There was no door.  Just a curtain.  And that furnace made all kinds of noise, especially at night. I don't think I dreamed about fire or…