Things to do in the Snow

Maybe you've been snowed in since October. Maybe you've just survived Snowpocalypse East Coast 2019. Maybe you're now in Snowpocalypse West Coast 2019. And maybe you don't have any snow at all.  What is snow? What are some things you think about doing in the snow? You could build a snowman. I saw these on…

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The bright side of darkness

The darkness can be a good thing, you know? It is only in knowing the darkness, experiencing the darkness, that we are more able to appreciate the light. When we experience grief and sorrow, joy becomes all the sweeter. It's a hard thing, though, to not fight the darkness in some of its forms: grief,…

My Happy Place

We took an afternoon jaunt to the beach. The guys wanted to fish in the surf. So I walked the beach and I read my book in the truck when I got cold. Then there was hot tea and pad thai for dinner. Books. Beach. Tea. Pad Thai. Good day.

Discipline is NOT my Favorite Word

Stick with me here. I'm not talking about classroom discipline or how to discipline your child or your dog. We're talking spiritual disciplines.  Like meditation, prayer, fasting, stewardship, study, contemplation, confession, solitude, gratitude, self-examination, silence, and celebration. Before you say that these don't sound spiritual in the Bible sense or maybe you really don't like…

The Dark Days

We've just had the first Monday of 2019.  The house has been de-Christmased.  Things are back to whatever's normal this time of year. And for me, normal involves seasonal affective disorder (read what the Mayo clinic has to say about it here).  Basically, not getting enough sunshine during daylight hours tends to make me sadder. …

New Year, Same Me

Welcome to 2019! How have your first 4 days been of this new year? How are you doing on your resolutions? Too overwhelming? Maybe you're still in a sugar coma from the holidays. Or maybe you're still in denial that it's a new year. Or maybe you are just dreading something.  Like all the gloomy,…

A Light in the Dark

How are you doing?  Friday was Winter Solstice, the shortest and darkest day of the year and the first day of winter.  It's been raining a lot here the past week or so, so even though there's a full moon up there somewhere, the clouds are so thick and the rain so persistent that I…

O Come, O Come, O Come Already!

Christmas is next Tuesday! Are you ready? All the decorating is done, right? And the gifts are purchased and wrapped and under the tree or in the mail, right? Your Christmas cards are in the mail. The goodies are all baked and the menu is planned and dishes have been delegated. And you've considered alternative…

A Savior Comes!

Do you ever just feel super-stressed out this time of year? Maybe you're looking at your "Gotta Get This Done Before Christmas" list. Maybe you don't do lists. Either way, you know that you've got cookies to bake and put in those cute little tins to give to people. You've got some gifts that you…