It's important to understand what we're saying when we reason that King David was a man after God's own heart and we use that as an excuse for people's sins.
A Person After God’s Heart

It's important to understand what we're saying when we reason that King David was a man after God's own heart and we use that as an excuse for people's sins.
It's January again. 2020 is over, and we're on to 2021; but it doesn't seem to be bringing a feeling of newness with it. Rather, it feels like a continuation of the exhaustion that last year was building. 2020 is over; but so many of the things that made it so hard haven't disappeared. Can…
Nine days. I'm going to have surgery in 9 days. I mean, this cancer thing is still sinking in, but that is going to make it even more real, you know. I've got my pre-op and my post-op instructions. I'm trying to figure out what in the world I'm going to need help with afterwards.…
Once upon a time this past November I asked God if he would make my heart harder. And then I took it back. You see, I was thinking about how much it hurt when I lost my Little Boy and Mittens. I didn't want to feel that hurt again. I immediately realized that my heart…
2019 was quite the year. I fell and injured my back 3 times. Hubby and I went to Disneyland. We won a new car. I read 175 books. I fostered a mama cat and watched her bring 5 babies into this world. Three of them still live here. We got two puppies. Yes, I do…
It's the solstice today. The shortest day of the year. The day with the least amount of light and the most darkness. What better day to talk about light. I simultaneously dread this day and look forward to this day. Dread for the same reason I dread the rainy, gray weather - I am solar…
The Christmas season feels harder this year. I've been trying to think of the reasons why. 1.) I've had a headache of one kind or another since October 20. Yes. Still. These headaches have kept me from doing the majority of Christmas crafts I've wanted to do. They've kept my brain from working clearly. They've…
It always seems to go by too fast. Or is it just me? It seems like summer was just starting a couple of weeks ago. It was finally warm enough outside to not need a jacket or sweater during the day. The garden was just starting to grow. And now the tomatoes are basically done.…
For as long as I can remember, I've been in pain of one kind or another. I broke my wrist at 6. I started getting headaches when I was 8 or 9. I injured my back while sledding when I was 11 or 12. I sprained my wrists and ankles a lot in 6th &…
Have you ever watched a nature show and the narrator says some stuff that you just can't help but talk back to? No? Maybe that's just me. Sometime last year I was watching this show about some cheetahs in the African Savannah (I think). And the narrator was saying in his fine, British-accented voice, "If…