How Does My Garden Grow?

I know you've all been wondering how my garden is doing--especially since I've not posted any pictures of it so far. The very first tomato of the season! A ready-to-eat salad Soon to be producing way more zucchini than we can eat. Marionberries My new favorite color/type of marigold--the strawberry blonde Looking at all of…

It’s Pollen, I Mean Gardening, Season

It's that time of year again! The days are getting longer. Everything is blooming. Pollen is coating the cars. And the blackberry vines are growing like mad. I spent all day working in the garden this past Sunday. After my fall in February that injured my back, I am in quite a bit of pain…

Lessons from the (Blackberry) Vine

We have quite the extensive garden here on the farm. In addition to space for the vegetables, we have a large strawberry patch, a large blueberry patch, and so many fruit trees. It's wonderful. But this time of year it's a lot of work. The soil needs to be prepped for planting. Seeds are germinated…