Adventures on Twitter

Are you on Twitter? It's not just a place where people argue or live-tweet television shows or political debates. Yes, there are all kinds of annoying people there. But you don't have to follow them. I don't. I've decided that I want to be informed, but I can choose who to listen to and where…

My Happy Place

We took an afternoon jaunt to the beach. The guys wanted to fish in the surf. So I walked the beach and I read my book in the truck when I got cold. Then there was hot tea and pad thai for dinner. Books. Beach. Tea. Pad Thai. Good day.

I bought a can of balls yesterday…

A can of racquetballs.  I wanted purple ones, but they only had blue, so I got blue. There's just something about opening a new can of balls and pulling off that seal.   And the sound it makes when it bounces on the wood floor. And the sound it makes when it hits the racquet…