How Does My Garden Grow?

I know you've all been wondering how my garden is doing--especially since I've not posted any pictures of it so far. The very first tomato of the season! A ready-to-eat salad Soon to be producing way more zucchini than we can eat. Marionberries My new favorite color/type of marigold--the strawberry blonde Looking at all of…

My Happy Place

We took an afternoon jaunt to the beach. The guys wanted to fish in the surf. So I walked the beach and I read my book in the truck when I got cold. Then there was hot tea and pad thai for dinner. Books. Beach. Tea. Pad Thai. Good day.

Lessons from the (Blackberry) Vine

We have quite the extensive garden here on the farm. In addition to space for the vegetables, we have a large strawberry patch, a large blueberry patch, and so many fruit trees. It's wonderful. But this time of year it's a lot of work. The soil needs to be prepped for planting. Seeds are germinated…

What NOT to do when you have a headache

Since I wrote a post on what to do when you have a headache, I thought it might be fun to talk about what not to do when you have a headache.  So here goes... Stare into the sun. Watch the strobe lights. Go to a loud concert. Stare at your computer screen for hours.…

Lessons from Picking Blackberries

Being the end of summer and beginning of fall, the blackberries are ripe and we decided that we were going to pick some this year.  So my husband and I got to work.  I geared up with my boots and jeans and long-sleeved shirt.  My husband had the clippers for those vines that just won't…