A Superman by Any Other Name

I was listening to a great book last week.  I listened to it first last year.  It's just one of those books that deserve another listen and several more read-throughs, which is why I purchased a used copy. It's called Super You: Release Your Inner Superhero. Now, before you turn up your nose at it…

I Hear Voices

Now before you start the admissions process to that cushy place for people who say they hear voices, I'm talking about the different types of thoughts that go through my head.  You know, you have them, too. There's the voice that makes the snarky comments to your boss that you don't say aloud because that…

About Me and Books

I'm far from the most talkative person on the planet so it isn't really a surprise that I have to explain a lot about myself. I know that people read for so many reasons. I think that perhaps I should share mine. One of the stories I always hear about myself as a baby (and…

Virtual Writing Camp

Have you ever wanted to write something?  Do you have a story inside of you just bursting, wanting to get out?  Or maybe you're just wanting to write down your family's stories. Sign up for Camp NaNoWriMo.  I've been participating since 2013.  And I've written 35,960 words.  That's just during the April and July camps. …

Recommended Authors: Brene Brown

These books have made me think and have somehow spoken to my innermost person.  They are emotionally difficult and challenging to read.  But so incredibly worth it.  This woman has a Ph.D. and has done her research, but she doesn't fall into the trap that many academics/researchers fall into.  She writes in normal language.  None…

Recommended Author: Emily P. Freeman

I found Emily P. Freeman on her blog "Chatting at the Sky" in 2011 or 2012.  Her writing captivated me and resonated with me.  Some of her posts just seemed like an echo of my heart.  Since then, I've read her books and listened to her podcasts.  And I'm still listening to her podcasts.  I…

Recommended Author: Maria Semple

A good friend introduced me to Where'd You Go, Bernadette.  I bought the book and I couldn't put it down.  There's just something about Semple's characters that pulls me in and I become invested in their lives.  They feel like real people.  They have all kinds of struggles: depression, anxiety, peer pressure, family pressure.  Not…

Recommended Author: Andrew Peterson

If you haven't yet heard of Andrew Peterson, your loss.  Seriously.  This man has a gift.   I first heard him sing in 2001 in Chattanooga, TN where I was going to school.  And I fell in love with his music.  You can ask my friends from back then and they would probably agree that…

Books About Priorities

Ever have a hard time making decisions?  You want to say yes to everybody.  You want to make everybody happy.  But your plate is too full and you're way too stressed and if one more person asks you to volunteer for one more thing you're just going to EXPLODE!!! Been there done that.  Both of…

Recommended Author: Annie F. Downs

You know I love to read, so there are so many authors whose books I enjoy reading.  It was hard to pick which author to start with.  So I decided to start with Annie Downs. There are some people who just get you, you know.  Annie Downs is one of those people.  Her writing is…