Playing the Blame Game

They say that you can’t blame your parents for your choices.  You’re a grown up. You need to take responsibility for your decisions, your actions, your words.  It’s fruitless to blame your parents. After all, you are making those choices. Your parents aren’t standing there telling you what to do Hopefully. However, if you look…

Hello, Pain, Old Friend

For as long as I can remember, I've been in pain of one kind or another. I broke my wrist at 6. I started getting headaches when I was 8 or 9. I injured my back while sledding when I was 11 or 12. I sprained my wrists and ankles a lot in 6th &…

Adapt or Die

Have you ever watched a nature show and the narrator says some stuff that you just can't help but talk back to? No? Maybe that's just me. Sometime last year I was watching this show about some cheetahs in the African Savannah (I think). And the narrator was saying in his fine, British-accented voice, "If…

The Next Right Thing

If you like books as much as I do, you will be able to relate to how excited I was when I learned that Emily P. Freeman was releasing a new book. I pre-ordered it as soon as it was available for pre-ordering. And then I had to wait. Waiting can be so hard when…

My Happy Place

We took an afternoon jaunt to the beach. The guys wanted to fish in the surf. So I walked the beach and I read my book in the truck when I got cold. Then there was hot tea and pad thai for dinner. Books. Beach. Tea. Pad Thai. Good day.

Discipline is NOT my Favorite Word

Stick with me here. I'm not talking about classroom discipline or how to discipline your child or your dog. We're talking spiritual disciplines.  Like meditation, prayer, fasting, stewardship, study, contemplation, confession, solitude, gratitude, self-examination, silence, and celebration. Before you say that these don't sound spiritual in the Bible sense or maybe you really don't like…

Giving Thanks

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving here in the US and we're gearing up for a feast.  We've got checklists for the cleaning and the cooking.  I've got table decoration ideas saved on Pinterest.  There will be friends and family here.  It's going to be quite the day. And then it's time for Christmas music!! But I don't…

A Mythical Summer

I blame it on Homer's Odyssey. You see, a new translation was recently published (November 2017).  The first by a female scholar, Emily Wilson.  So I absolutely HAD to read it even though I didn't really want to read about all that crazy stuff that Odysseus did and had done to him.  But it was…

They See Dead People

Last year I picked up the first book the The Lady Janies series by Cynthia Hand, Brodi Ashton, Jodi Meadows: My Lady Jane.  I did a short review on it last summer.  You can find that here. I couldn't wait until the next book in the series came out this summer--right in time for the…

The Illuminae Files

I randomly stumbled on this series because they were all available right away on my library's app.  I was hooked.  I couldn't listen to any other books in between.  I got through them as fast as I could. If you like science fiction, this series is for you. If you like reading about impossible odds,…