I've been attending a caregiving workshop - Powerful Tools for Caregivers. It's run by the local Agency on Aging. It's free, which is perfect for my budget. And it's very practical. It's all about tools for caregivers (ha! you knew I was going to say that). There's a chapter on dealing with stress. A couple…
Random Questions When Reading the Book of Esther
When I read, I'm bound to have questions about some of the things that I'm reading. That's cool. I like questions - especially if I can find the answers to them. Reading the Bible is no different than another book. Sometimes I'm able to find the answers to those questions. Other times, I'm not. Esther…
Recommended Author: Annie F. Downs
You know I love to read, so there are so many authors whose books I enjoy reading. It was hard to pick which author to start with. So I decided to start with Annie Downs. There are some people who just get you, you know. Annie Downs is one of those people. Her writing is…
Chalaina Recommends: My Lady Jane
The comical, fantastical, romantical, (not) entirely true story of Lady Jane Grey. In My Lady Jane, coauthors Cynthia Hand, Brodi Ashton, and Jodi Meadows have created a one-of-a-kind fantasy in the tradition of The Princess Bride, featuring a reluctant king, an even more reluctant queen, a noble steed, and only a passing resemblance to actual history—because sometimes…
Everybody Needs a Little Lake Time

I just got back from four days at a lake house. Without WiFi! Oh the horror!!! Actually, it was quite nice. There was enough signal for occasional checks of social media, but I didn't want to use a ton of data, so I had to choose wisely and fill my time with things other than…
I Have Weird Dreams: Leviticus Edition
No one has ever accused me of having an underactive imagination. And I would have to agree. I chalk it up to all the reading I do. My imagination can be quite entertaining most of the time. It's even created this crazy fantasy world that I'm writing about. So that's pretty awesome. Sometimes, though, it…
Adventures in Caregiving
I'm currently a caregiver, not something I ever thought I'd be doing. After spending three and a half years working as a receptionist at a clinic, I was ready to be much less involved in anything requiring a doctor's office. Instead, I take my grandpa to the majority of his appointments. So I spend a…
Chalaina Recommends Reading

I love to read. I've loved reading ever since I was born. Not that I could read from birth, but my dad held me on his lap while he read and I used to stare at the book as he read. After learning to read at age 5, I've not stopped. I read just about…