Recommended Author: Emily P. Freeman

I found Emily P. Freeman on her blog "Chatting at the Sky" in 2011 or 2012.  Her writing captivated me and resonated with me.  Some of her posts just seemed like an echo of my heart.  Since then, I've read her books and listened to her podcasts.  And I'm still listening to her podcasts.  I…

What NOT to do when you have a headache

Since I wrote a post on what to do when you have a headache, I thought it might be fun to talk about what not to do when you have a headache.  So here goes... Stare into the sun. Watch the strobe lights. Go to a loud concert. Stare at your computer screen for hours.…

Recommended Author: Maria Semple

A good friend introduced me to Where'd You Go, Bernadette.  I bought the book and I couldn't put it down.  There's just something about Semple's characters that pulls me in and I become invested in their lives.  They feel like real people.  They have all kinds of struggles: depression, anxiety, peer pressure, family pressure.  Not…

You Never Know Who You’ll Meet

Every couple months, Grandpa gets his hair cut. He got in the list and we sat down to wait. Another gentleman walked in and got himself on the list, too. He took a seat beside us and he and Grandpa struck up a conversation. My grandpa loves to talk to people and always does. That…

Monday Monday

I woke up early today.  Too early for me and my stomach.  My stomach doesn't like getting up before 7:00AM.  But it was for a good cause. As I was driving, though, I wrote a song in honor of Monday.  Well, it was more of a dirge, really.  As an homage to all of the…

Where Have I Gone?

It's been awhile since I've written here. I've fallen in a hole.  Not a literal hole, mind.  More of a mental hole.  Happens every year.  It doesn't matter where I am or what I am doing.  If I'm successful or not.  If I'm employed or in school or working at home.  If I'm in a…

Lessons from Picking Blackberries

Being the end of summer and beginning of fall, the blackberries are ripe and we decided that we were going to pick some this year.  So my husband and I got to work.  I geared up with my boots and jeans and long-sleeved shirt.  My husband had the clippers for those vines that just won't…

Recommended Author: Andrew Peterson

If you haven't yet heard of Andrew Peterson, your loss.  Seriously.  This man has a gift.   I first heard him sing in 2001 in Chattanooga, TN where I was going to school.  And I fell in love with his music.  You can ask my friends from back then and they would probably agree that…

Books About Priorities

Ever have a hard time making decisions?  You want to say yes to everybody.  You want to make everybody happy.  But your plate is too full and you're way too stressed and if one more person asks you to volunteer for one more thing you're just going to EXPLODE!!! Been there done that.  Both of…

What to Do When You Have a Headache

This really isn't a reason to brag, but I feel like an expert on headaches.  But that's because I've been dealing with them since I was at least 9 years old.  It was because I needed glasses to begin with.  But after that, it was stress and TMJ and who knows what else.  Genetic predisposition…