I woke up early today.  Too early for me and my stomach.  My stomach doesn’t like getting up before 7:00AM.  But it was for a good cause.

As I was driving, though, I wrote a song in honor of Monday.  Well, it was more of a dirge, really.  As an homage to all of the Mondays I’ve dreaded before.  I don’t remember all of the exact words, but it was fun.

And it was better than singing the lullaby to myself while I was driving.

And it was better than the super happy morning song that popped into my head.

I don’t do super happy morning songs.

I am not a morning person.

I am thankful that I don’t always have to wake up this early.  And I am thankful that I don’t have to usually be in the office on Mondays.  It has freed me from the dread that would settle in every Sunday afternoon.  You know what that’s like.  That feeling in the pit of your stomach when you realize just how few hours left in the weekend there are and how much closer you are to the beginning of the next work week.

Talk about anxiety.

Anxiety I don’t have to deal with right now.  Which is nice, since there’s so much more anxiety in my life.  But that’s the norm for me.

And composing a song for Monday…well, that just makes it better.

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