I’ve been attending a caregiving workshop – Powerful Tools for Caregivers.  It’s run by the local Agency on Aging.  It’s free, which is perfect for my budget.  And it’s very practical.  It’s all about tools for caregivers (ha! you knew I was going to say that).  There’s a chapter on dealing with stress.  A couple of chapters on communication.  A chapter on dealing with your emotions.  Then there are chapters on the different kinds of people find themselves taking care of (stroke, aging, memory loss, etc).  It’s good stuff to know.

It’s a good group of ladies.  We share.  We listen.  We learn together.  I won’t say any more about any of that because what happens in the workshop stays in the workshop.

I have to recommend it.  If you’re taking care of someone or know someone who is, take the workshop.  I could say that I wish I had found it a couple of years ago when I first started this whole caregiving gig.  But I think that the timing was perfect.  I’ve been working on some other things with myself, so this is going to be more effective for me, and for my family, right now.

So you caregivers out there, find the class.  Take the class.  Contact the Agency on Aging.  They can help if you don’t think you can take the time away from your care receiver.  You will find the workshop invaluable.

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