It always seems to go by too fast.
Or is it just me?
It seems like summer was just starting a couple of weeks ago. It was finally warm enough outside to not need a jacket or sweater during the day. The garden was just starting to grow.
And now the tomatoes are basically done.
Though I’m not sure when the zucchinis will be done.
Probably with the first frost.
I’ve pulled out my fuzzy socks and my long sleeved shirts. The sweaters are on stand-by.
We did fall cleaning yesterday.
The garden needs cleaned up and readied for sleep.
But, in the meantime, I have puppies to house train and kittens to re-home.
And I’ll have some carpets and upholstery to shampoo as soon as the shampooer comes home.
But I think that stopping to remember the good things from the summer and looking forward to the good things that autumn will bring.

Good summer things
Going to a few baseball games.
Fresh tomatoes from my garden.
Strawberry shortcake made from strawberries picked from the garden.
Finding and reading good books.
Spending time with some of my favorite kiddos.
Beach time!
good autumn things
My birthday!
Fresh pressed apple cider.
Thanksgiving food is coming.
Baked acorn squash.
Fuzzy blankets and fuzzy socks.
Fire in the wood stove.
Savoring a mug of tea while reading snuggled up in front of the fire.

what about you?
What good things have happened this summer?
What are you looking forward to this autumn?
How do you mark the change of one season to the next?