Things to do in the Snow

Maybe you've been snowed in since October. Maybe you've just survived Snowpocalypse East Coast 2019. Maybe you're now in Snowpocalypse West Coast 2019. And maybe you don't have any snow at all.  What is snow? What are some things you think about doing in the snow? You could build a snowman. I saw these on…

The bright side of darkness

The darkness can be a good thing, you know? It is only in knowing the darkness, experiencing the darkness, that we are more able to appreciate the light. When we experience grief and sorrow, joy becomes all the sweeter. It's a hard thing, though, to not fight the darkness in some of its forms: grief,…

My Happy Place

We took an afternoon jaunt to the beach. The guys wanted to fish in the surf. So I walked the beach and I read my book in the truck when I got cold. Then there was hot tea and pad thai for dinner. Books. Beach. Tea. Pad Thai. Good day.

The Dark Days

We've just had the first Monday of 2019.  The house has been de-Christmased.  Things are back to whatever's normal this time of year. And for me, normal involves seasonal affective disorder (read what the Mayo clinic has to say about it here).  Basically, not getting enough sunshine during daylight hours tends to make me sadder. …

New Year, Same Me

Welcome to 2019! How have your first 4 days been of this new year? How are you doing on your resolutions? Too overwhelming? Maybe you're still in a sugar coma from the holidays. Or maybe you're still in denial that it's a new year. Or maybe you are just dreading something.  Like all the gloomy,…

What box?

You know, when you look into starting a blog there are all kinds of websites out there that have advice for how to run your blog. You have to post so many times a week/month. You have to post only about things in your niche.  What is your niche?  You have to decide what your…

Power Plays

Power Plays One of the truest tests of someone's character is how they handle any power that is given to them. Some people use it to get what they want. They bully.  They coerce.  They blame. They take advantage of anything and everything their position of power presents. They are focused on making a difference…

I hate my body

I've never had a good relationship with my body. I haven't had an eating disorder. I wasn't a child beauty pageant contestant. I didn't participate in any sort of extracurricular activity that you would think could lead to issues with my body. Rather, I was raised in a very conservative Christian home. We talked about…

Tea’s My Favorite

I love tea. It all started with the peppermint tea my mom gave me as a baby to calm my tummy. I stuck mainly to herbal tea until I was through college. I made it through college without coffee! That's because caffeine was a thing that we just didn't do.  It was one of those…

A Superman by Any Other Name

I was listening to a great book last week.  I listened to it first last year.  It's just one of those books that deserve another listen and several more read-throughs, which is why I purchased a used copy. It's called Super You: Release Your Inner Superhero. Now, before you turn up your nose at it…