A can of racquetballs. I wanted purple ones, but they only had blue, so I got blue. There's just something about opening a new can of balls and pulling off that seal. And the sound it makes when it bounces on the wood floor. And the sound it makes when it hits the racquet…
Introvert Self-Care

I am an introvert. And I'm proud to be an introvert. That means I listen more than I talk, unless I'm pretending to be an extrovert or I know you really well. (And let's just not talk about pretending to be an extrovert.) That also means that being around people drains me and I have…
What NOT to do when you have a headache

Since I wrote a post on what to do when you have a headache, I thought it might be fun to talk about what not to do when you have a headache. So here goes... Stare into the sun. Watch the strobe lights. Go to a loud concert. Stare at your computer screen for hours.…
Monday Monday

I woke up early today. Too early for me and my stomach. My stomach doesn't like getting up before 7:00AM. But it was for a good cause. As I was driving, though, I wrote a song in honor of Monday. Well, it was more of a dirge, really. As an homage to all of the…
Where Have I Gone?

It's been awhile since I've written here. I've fallen in a hole. Not a literal hole, mind. More of a mental hole. Happens every year. It doesn't matter where I am or what I am doing. If I'm successful or not. If I'm employed or in school or working at home. If I'm in a…
What to Do When You Have a Headache

This really isn't a reason to brag, but I feel like an expert on headaches. But that's because I've been dealing with them since I was at least 9 years old. It was because I needed glasses to begin with. But after that, it was stress and TMJ and who knows what else. Genetic predisposition…